Hello honey! I know that you're bored! HAHA! So am I!
Baby, you're right! I don't know what going through your mind and it's painful trying to know but can't. Although baby said you're fine or feel nothing but empty, but it hurts me.
I felt useless..hurt..I don't know what to do.
When baby is bored, all the coldness came onto me.
When baby is bored, it seems like everything is coming to an end.
When all these happens, I don't know what could I do to cheer baby up / entertain baby. I'm useless.
I don't know how to find topics to chat with baby, and I'm a girlfriend who knows nothing much bout' what baby is thinking. yes! useless me.
I will still figure out what baby is thinking although / even though baby said there's nothing.
I will try my best to walk into your heart and mind (:
I will learn to cheer baby up and make baby happy(:
I love you baby(: muacks(:
Labels: Mrs Awesome
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